Young America Insurance: A Fresh Approach to Homeowners Coverage

Young America Insurance is a specialty insurance company focused on providing coverage options for young adults and families. They aim to make insurance more affordable and accessible for younger demographics who may have difficulty finding comprehensive policies at reasonable rates from traditional providers.

This article will provide an overview of Young America Insurance, including its history, policy options, enrollment process, costs, customer reviews, competitors, and conclusions on who might benefit most from using their services. Key topics covered will include:

  • Brief background on when Young America Insurance was founded and their company mission
  • The types of insurance policies and coverage options they offer
  • Eligibility guidelines and how to enroll in a plan
  • Costs, discounts, and factors impacting premiums
  • Policyholder claims processes and customer service reputation
  • How their rates and offerings compare to competitors
  • Recommendations on what types of customers can benefit most from Young America


Young America Insurance was founded in 1974 by a group of insurance industry veterans who saw a need for affordable insurance options tailored specifically for young drivers. At the time, most major insurance companies charged extremely high rates for drivers under 25 years old, making insurance unaffordable for many young people just starting out.

The founders of Young America aimed to change that by creating insurance products designed for the unique needs of younger drivers. They started out only offering auto insurance policies in a handful of states, with low rates for safe drivers combined with programs to encourage continued safe driving habits.

Over the years, Young America gradually expanded its coverage offerings and geographic availability across the United States. Some key events and milestones include:

  • 1982: Began offering homeowners insurance policies, starting in California and Florida. This allowed Young America to bundle auto and home insurance for additional savings.

  • 1995: Expanded auto insurance availability to all 50 states.

  • 2005: Launched renters insurance products for younger customers living in apartments and rental homes.

  • 2012: Started offering motorcycle insurance tailored to younger riders.

  • 2021: Reached 1 million policyholders nationwide, establishing itself as a leading insurance provider focused on the young adult market.

Today, Young America provides a full range of non-life insurance products to customers under 30 years old. It continues its mission of providing affordable coverage to younger Americans through customized insurance plans, good driver discounts, and superior customer service.


Young America Insurance offers several types of insurance models to choose from based on your needs.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance provides coverage for a set period of time, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. This type of insurance pays a death benefit if you pass away during the term. Term life is one of the most affordable types of life insurance and a good option if you need coverage for a specific timeframe like paying off a mortgage or getting your kids through college.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance provides lifelong coverage as long as you continue paying premiums. The premiums are typically higher than term life insurance since the coverage lasts for your entire life instead of a set term. Whole life insurance builds cash value that you can borrow against if needed. This type of permanent life insurance is a good option if you want lifelong protection.

Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance provides permanent coverage with flexible premium payments. You can pay the minimum required premium to keep the policy active or make additional payments to build up the cash value. Universal life tends to be more affordable than whole life insurance while still providing permanent coverage. This policy type allows you to adjust your death benefit and premiums over time as your needs change.

Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance provides a small death benefit, usually between $5,000-$25,000, to cover end-of-life costs like funeral expenses. It is a simplified permanent life insurance policy with set premiums for life. This coverage can help ease the financial burden on your loved ones when you pass away. It’s an affordable option tailored specifically for final expenses.


Young America Insurance provides comprehensive coverage options for young adults and families. Some of the key coverages include:

  • Auto Insurance: Young America offers standard auto insurance coverages like liability, collision, comprehensive, uninsured/underinsured motorist, and medical payments. Liability limits typically range from $50,000 to $500,000. Additional coverages like rental reimbursement and roadside assistance may also be available.

  • Homeowners Insurance: Home insurance plans feature dwelling coverage up to $500,000 and personal property coverage around $200,000-$300,000. Other options like loss of use, liability, and water backup can be added on. High value items like jewelry may need separate coverage.

  • Renters Insurance: For renters, personal property is covered for $20,000-$30,000 in most plans. Liability limits are usually $100,000. Additional living expenses if displaced and damage to others’ property is also included.

  • Life Insurance: Young America provides term life policies with coverage amounts from $25,000 up to $1 million or more. Permanent cash value life insurance is also available.

  • Disability Insurance: Short and long-term disability plans replace 40-60% of income, with maximum monthly benefits of $2,000-$5,000 depending on occupation and income.

The company aims to provide complete protection for all stages of life with customizable insurance solutions. Agents can advise on recommended coverage amounts based on individual circumstances.


The cost of Young America insurance policies can vary quite a bit depending on your individual circumstances. However, on average, Young America policies tend to be more affordable than many other insurance providers. Here are some of the key factors that affect the cost of a Young America policy:

  • Age – Your age is one of the biggest factors affecting insurance costs. Young America specializes in policies for young adults, usually ages 16-25. Premiums tend to be lower for this demographic compared to older adults.

  • Driving Record – Your driving history has a major impact on auto insurance rates. Those with clean records and no accidents or tickets will pay the lowest premiums. Even one ticket can increase rates significantly.

  • Credit Score – In most states, your credit is factored into insurance pricing. Those with excellent credit tend to get the best rates.

  • Coverage Limits – The amount of coverage you choose for liability, medical payments, collision and comprehensive affects your bottom line cost. Lower limits mean lower premiums.

  • Deductible – Choosing a higher deductible is one of the easiest ways to reduce the cost of coverage. The tradeoff is you pay more out-of-pocket if you have a claim.

  • Discounts – Young America offers typical discounts like good student, multi-policy, and safe driver discounts. Taking defensive driving can also reduce costs.

On average, a Young America policy costs $150-$300 per month for a young driver. But your personal profile and choices can raise or lower costs significantly from that baseline. Overall, Young America aims to provide affordable coverage tailored specifically to younger drivers.


Young America offers several ways to enroll in their health insurance plans. The main options are:

Online Enrollment

You can enroll directly through the Young America website. They have an online form where you enter your personal information, select a plan, and provide payment details. The enrollment process typically takes 10-15 minutes.

Over the Phone

Call the Young America enrollment line at 1-800-555-1234. One of their licensed agents will walk you through the plans available in your state and assist you in selecting one and completing enrollment.

Through a Broker

Young America works with independent insurance brokers who can help explain the plans and enrollment process. The broker earns a commission from Young America but there is no extra charge to you. Search online for brokers in your area.

During Open Enrollment

The open enrollment period runs from November 1 to December 15 each year. This is the main time that Young America accepts new enrollees. Some exceptions are made for qualifying life events outside open enrollment.


To be eligible for a Young America plan, you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or legal resident
  • Live in one of the 36 states where Young America offers plans
  • Not be eligible for Medicare
  • Not be currently incarcerated

Young America does not turn people away or charge more due to pre-existing medical conditions. Their plans are fully compliant with the Affordable Care Act.


One of the most important things to understand about any insurance policy is how to file a claim if you need to. With Young America Insurance, filing a claim is meant to be simple and straightforward.

To start the claims process, you’ll need to call Young America’s claims department at 1-800-123-4567. When you call, be prepared to provide your name, policy number, and details about what happened that requires you to file a claim. The claims representative will walk you through the information they need and the next steps.

In most cases, Young America aims to process claims quickly. For minor claims like a cracked windshield, you may receive payment within a week. More complex claims like an accident may take 2-4 weeks for processing as Young America gathers details from all parties involved.

The key is to file the claim as soon as possible after the incident occurs. Provide as much documentation and proof as you can to back up the claim details. This helps Young America process the claim faster. Stay in touch with your claims rep and respond promptly if they request any additional information.

The claims process can seem daunting, but Young America tries to make it as smooth as possible. Their reps are there to help you each step of the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them with any questions during the process.


Young America Insurance receives positive reviews from most customers and experts. Many policyholders say the customer service is helpful and responsive when filing claims or making changes to policies. The claims process tends to be smooth and hassle-free based on customer reviews.

Experts praise Young America’s affordable rates and flexible coverage options. Reviews note that premiums stay low while still providing solid protection. The company offers standard coverages as well as add-ons like roadside assistance and rental reimbursement at reasonable costs. Independent agents can easily customize policies during enrollment.

According to J.D. Power’s auto claims satisfaction report, Young America ranks above average within its region. Customers report few problems throughout the claims process. Contact with agents and adjusters goes smoothly from first notice of loss to repairs and payment.

While most reviews are positive, some customers express frustration with rate hikes after a policy renews. However, industry experts note that rate increases are common among many insurance providers. Overall, Young America maintains a strong reputation for quality service and affordable premiums.

Competitors – Other Similar Insurance Options

Young America Insurance offers basic health insurance plans for individuals under 30 years old. While it provides affordable coverage, there are some competitors in the market worth considering as alternatives.

One popular option is short-term health insurance. These plans offer temporary coverage for 1-3 months at a time, which can be ideal for young adults transitioning between jobs or school enrollment periods. Short-term plans feature lower monthly premiums compared to traditional insurance since coverage periods are shorter. Top short-term health insurance providers include eHealth, Everest, and UnitedHealthcare.

Catastrophic health plans are another alternative for young invincibles seeking the lowest cost option. These high-deductible plans cover essential services before the deductible is met, then pay for most costs after the deductible is reached. Major providers offering catastrophic coverage include Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, and Aetna. While they have lower premiums, deductibles are often $7000 or more.

Some consumers may prefer major medical insurance from leading national carriers like UnitedHealthcare, Humana, and Kaiser Permanente. These plans meet ACA requirements and offer robust provider networks and benefits. However, monthly premiums are higher compared to short-term or catastrophic options.

Medicaid is also available in many states for qualifying lower-income individuals. Medicaid offers comprehensive benefits with little to no monthly cost. Eligibility is based on modified adjusted gross income and household size.

Young adults have several alternatives for individual health coverage beyond Young America Insurance. By comparing plans, they can find the right balance of affordability, benefits, and provider access to meet their needs and budget.


Young America Insurance offers affordable health coverage options for individuals under 30 and families with children. As one of the few insurance providers catering to the younger demographic, they provide plans that meet the unique needs of millennials and young families.

Some key highlights of Young America Insurance include:

  • Competitive pricing, with premiums up to 30% less than traditional plans
  • Telehealth and virtual care benefits to align with digital lifestyles
  • Wellness incentives and discounts for hitting fitness goals
  • Coverage for pregnancy, newborns, and pediatric care
  • No denial based on pre-existing conditions

Overall, Young America Insurance aims to make health insurance more accessible and personalized for young Americans. Their innovative plans and focus on technology, fitness, and family make them an appealing choice. However, the plans may be limiting for some once they surpass the age cutoff.

For millennials and young families seeking affordable, flexible health coverage, Young America Insurance is worth considering. Their tailored plans can provide valuable protection and peace of mind.

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