what’s going on everyone welcome back to the show so i want to talk a little bit about these this
gallup poll so there was a gallup poll that was uh released a few days ago and it’s very interesting
the the the results are pretty shocking about congress and i’m going to show you guys this we’re
going to talk about it because i think this is very very important uh we’re looking at a midterm
election coming very soon and this is pretty much how the people feel about how congress is doing
so that’s what we’re going to focus on today but first off on this channel we talk about money and
the financial struggles that americans are facing today that sounds like something interesting to
you please subscribe to the channel and hit that little bell notification that way you get notified
any time we put out a video and like always if you see my name and a picture of me in the comment
section make sure you see a check mark next to my name that check mark signifies that it’s me
if you do not see that check mark it’s not me it’s someone trying to impersonate me okay so i want to
take a look at this article uh but before i do i i encourage you guys i posted a video on my last
video and i talked about not being afraid to to make a decision like moving out of the country
now i’m not telling you guys to move out of the country i’m just giving you guys options okay
and that’s what i always do when i put out these videos i don’t care what i’m talking about what
topics i’m talking about i’m trying to give you guys the options i’m trying to let you guys see
what’s going on and the whole goal here is to help people who are on a fixed income help people who
are retired live a better life and if that means that that relocation is is in the cards for you
then that’s something that you should consider but it’s not for everyone but i do like to put that
out there to you guys because it’s something that i’m doing right now i’m experiencing it and i’m
seeing the the benefits of doing it and that’s why i’m sharing it with you when i go to a restaurant
and i get a bill and it’s like five or six dollars for a meal and a drink it’s just unbelievable
how reasonable it is when i go to some of these different destinations and go to the beach and
and live in a high-rise and all the stuff that i’m doing now it’s amazing how inexpensive it
is and that’s the reason why i’m sharing this information with you it’s not for everyone but
it is for some of you that are looking at wanting to live a better life and you’re not getting that
right now in the united states okay so i’m not saying that this is something that you should
be doing full-time i’m not doing it full-time i’m doing it part-time but i am saying this is
something that some of you guys can benefit from that’s why i put those videos out and that’s why
i’ll continue to put those videos out because it will help some people now i will stick to the core
of this channel we’re still going to talk about what’s going on in washington dc we’re still going
to talk about congress they’re still going to talk about the president and and the different benefits
and programs out there that they’re trying to to get past we’re still going to focus on that
but i just want you to see that there are other options out there that’s why i put those videos
up okay so let’s go ahead and get to uh this this article here uh and this was uh gallup
that posted this article okay so here is the article here this is gallup and it says
us voters eagerness to re-elect incumbents near lowe’s okay so basically what they’re saying is
that the just looking at and we’ll take i want to take a look at two different graphs here but what
they’re saying is that when you’re looking at this graph we’re we’re at a low point okay so
just looking over the years and we’ll start at the very beginning here 1994 we had it was 54 percent
of the people and this is basically saying they’re focused on your incumbent congress person so your
incumbent person who’s running for re-election in the house okay so they’re in your district
okay so we’re not talking about senators we’re talking about people from the house
the house of representatives so in 1994 it was 54 54 of the people said that they would re-elect or
they should they want to reelect their their congressperson okay now that and that number
just think about that’s pretty high if you think about it uh that’s the majority the majority of
the people in that district would re-elect their uh same congress person and that’s why history
has shown us that incumbents they have a huge advantage when it comes to uh getting re-elected
just because for the most part most most people if they know who their congress person is
they’re gonna re-elect their congressperson it’s a familiar name to them okay so 1994 54
in 1998 69 wow it was really really big in 1998 uh 2002 it was 67 a percent uh 2006 it was 54 2010 it
was 51. uh 2014 it was 51 2018 it was 50 and now we’re at about 53 in 2022 okay so just showing you
this graph so if you’re looking at your congress person uh for the most part the majority of
people are saying that they would re-elect their congress person okay so that’s it’s we’re looking
at it i mean it’s pretty much 50 50 looking at this graph now this is the shocking graph
and this is the one that i think and i hope that politicians are paying close attention to because
this is registered so u.s registered voters believe that most members of congress deserve
re-election most members of congress so this is not this is not your congress person this is just
overall uh congress in general look at the look at the the the number here 2022 21 of people say
they’re saying that that most members of congress need or should be re-elected okay now let’s
look at the graph here and start from 1994 38 percent then we had a jump in 1998 to 50 58 2002
57 and then down in 2006 to 38 percent and then we just started going down from that point 2010 33
uh 2014 23 had a little bump in 2018 29 and now we’re debt back down uh 2022 to 21 so looking at
that last graph the vast majority of people are saying no we need to kick all these people out
they should not be here okay 21 is not good that’s not very favorable i mean those are the people who
are for most members being re-elected and so when you’re looking at the other side what is that 79
percent are saying no they they need to be they need to we need we need change okay and i that’s
what i’m hearing from from the audience from from you guys in the comments you guys are letting me
know look we need to we need change now i do want to talk about one other thing when it comes to
congress and the president and the judiciary branch we need to understand how things work and
i posted a video a few days ago and it was bernie sanders talking about a senator mansion and how
upset bernie sanders was when it came to senator manchin’s decision to sabotage the the build back
better for the second time and some people were saying we need to have president uh president
bernie sanders like bernie sanders should be president and that’s okay to want senator bernie
sanders to be president but we really need to focus on where the power comes from where we get
the the bills and that’s coming from congress that’s not coming from the president and that’s
why i think some of the decisions that we see when it comes to voting and and and we see it’s just
it’s weird how things work where uh you can be voting for someone who doesn’t even represent you
and you’re voting for them thinking that they’re gonna make change or you vote for someone that
does represent you and you think that that change is automatic it’s not automatic because that
congress person has to go to congress they have to convince all the other congress people look we
want to move forward with something uh senator’s a perfect example we have a 50 50 senate but in
order to get anything done you realistically need 60 votes so you’re going to need democrats and
republicans to come on board the only way that you can do it without that is reconciliation
okay and so and in doing reconciliation we’ve seen doing reconciliation is still difficult because
you’re gonna need all 50 democrats to vote for a bill in order to get it passed so the the
president the president is outside of this this whole thing they’re outside of the policy making
and so all they can do is is be a cheerleader and say look this is what i would like to see happen
but if they can’t get support from democrats republicans everyone if they can’t get support
then it’s not going anywhere so senator bernie sanders he has some ideas that that many people
like but guess what it’s not a popular idea so if he were in office he is going to struggle to
get people like senator manchin on board to move forward with legislation so the only way that we
could get really get things done in the senate is you’re going to need 60 democrats or you’re going
to need 60 republicans that’s the only way at this point to to really get things done and even if
even if we have that you still have the senator mansions and the senator cinemas
that are out there and so even if you had 60 democrats in the senate you would still struggle
because you have these these people and you’re always going to have politicians that are kind of
they’re they’re on the on the fence uh we see mitt romney is the same way where he’ll
kind of go back and forth when it comes to certain issues and so you’re always going to have that and
so i i just want people to understand when it comes down to it just electing a president doesn’t
mean that you’re automatically going to get what that president wants to do okay what his agenda is
you’re not automatically going to get that done because that’s just not the way things
work we have a balance of government and in the congress they carry the purse they have the money
and so they determine what what happens when it comes to these different bills and if you
have one side that wants to stonewall and not do anything at all well that’s going to affect the
the president right he’s not going to be able to get his agenda through and that’s what we’ve been
seeing we’ve been seeing one side the republicans saying look we’re not going to move forward with
anything with any legislation that the president wants to move forward with we’re not going to do
it and then you have a few democrats that are also kind of saying well you know what i’m in
a republican state so maybe i should be a little bit careful with with the things that i agree on
and that’s what we’re looking at when it comes to senator manchin but what he doesn’t realize is by
him not moving forward with with biden’s agenda he is now cutting himself off from the democrats
and republicans are they they don’t want anything to do with them and so now he’s
going to be kind of in the middle and the only thing that i can see him doing in the future is
switching parties that’s the only thing i can see him doing because right now democrats are they’re
pretty much fed up with senator manchin and when it comes down to him running for re-election
he’s not going to get a lot of that support from democrats i can’t see democrats coming on board
and saying hey look we endorse senator manchin and so he might be forced to to switch parties
switch to the republican party and run uh for another term in order to in order to win i mean
let’s face it i don’t think west virginia is going to change their demographics uh that that quickly
and so that’s how things are looking at leading into the midterms and it’s going to be very
interesting to see what happens see how the house goes and see if the house goes to the republicans
see if the senate goes to republicans and at that point we’ll be looking at the executive
branch run by democrats we’ll be looking at the house and the senate might be run by republicans
and so will anything get done that’s when you’re really going to have to to see some bipartisan
bills go through and bipartisan bills will they have anything really to move forward for for
for most americans i don’t know we’re going to have to see what what comes in the future but i
just wanted to show you that so if you guys have questions post them down below if you like this
video please give me a thumbs up please subscribe for more and i’ll talk to you in the next one bye
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