American College of Education: Online Learning Revolution

The American College of Education (ACE) has established itself as an innovative leader in online learning over the past decade. Founded in 2005, ACE is an accredited, completely online college specializing in education and nursing degrees at the associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels.

From the start, ACE has focused on providing high-quality online degree programs designed for working adults and professionals looking to advance their careers. Key milestones include receiving accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission in 2006, launching its first master’s programs in 2008, and introducing competency-based education models and stackable credentials in 2013.

Today, ACE continues to lead the way in online education. With an unwavering commitment to academic excellence and student success, ACE has earned a reputation as a top choice for those seeking affordable, flexible, and scalable online degrees. Its proven programs, experienced faculty, and emphasis on educational technology position graduates for career advancement in high-demand fields.

Online Degree Offerings

The American College of Education (ACE) offers a wide variety of online degree programs at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels, allowing students the flexibility to advance their education and careers on their own schedule.

At the bachelor’s level, ACE provides online Bachelor of Arts degrees in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Special Education, Management, Marketing, Healthcare Administration, Psychology, and Liberal Studies. Their online bachelor’s programs allow students to complete their degrees fully online in an accelerated format.

For graduate students, ACE offers numerous online Master of Education programs in areas like Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, Reading Education, and Special Education. These programs include practical coursework and field experiences that prepare educators for leadership roles or advanced certifications.

At the doctoral level, ACE provides an online Doctor of Education (EdD) in Leadership and an EdD in Curriculum and Instruction. These terminal degrees allow educators to pursue advanced studies and research in their field through a combination of online coursework, residencies, and dissertation work.

Innovative Teaching Methods

The American College of Education utilizes innovative and effective teaching methods in its online degree programs to promote student success. ACE emphasizes competency-based learning, allowing students to advance based on their mastery of skills rather than seat time. This enables accelerated pacing for fast learners while providing additional support for those needing more time.

Courses are also designed to facilitate meaningful collaboration and interaction between students. Online discussion forums, group projects, peer reviews, and other activities aim to replicate the engagement of an in-person classroom. Course instructors provide personalized feedback and support to each student.

Technology is leveraged to enhance the online learning experience. Features like simulation exercises, interactive modules, and embedded multimedia enable engaging and immersive learning. The user-friendly learning management system also facilitates access to course materials, communication tools, and other resources to support learning objectives.

By embracing innovative teaching approaches tailored to online learners, ACE ensures its degree programs deliver quality education and strong student outcomes. The focus remains on competency attainment and providing individualized support to promote success.


ACE is home to a diverse and accomplished faculty who are experts in their fields and passionate about online education. With an average of over 10 years of teaching experience, ACE faculty come from top universities and bring their knowledge from various disciplines including education, psychology, business, healthcare, and more.

A major focus for faculty is developing close working relationships with students. They engage frequently via video conferences, phone calls, email, and interactive online forums. Courses are designed to maximize student-teacher interaction and collaboration. Faculty get to know each student individually and work to support their unique goals and learning needs. This level of personal attention helps students feel connected and motivated as they work toward degree completion.

ACE prides itself on hiring faculty who are enthused about teaching online. They undergo rigorous training on best practices in digital instructional design, assessment, and technology integration. The result is interactive online courses that leverage multimedia tools to create dynamic learning experiences tailored for remote students. Faculty continually refine their online teaching skills through professional development and sharing of expertise. Their passion comes through in the care and dedication they devote to ACE students.

Student Resources

The American College of Education provides extensive resources and support services to help students succeed in their online degree programs. This allows students to get the help and assistance they need, even while completing their studies remotely.

  • Academic Advising – Every ACE student is assigned an academic advisor who provides guidance on program requirements, course selection, and navigating policies and procedures. Advisors monitor student progress, answer questions, and serve as key support throughout a student’s time in their program.

  • Career Services – ACE has a dedicated Career Services team that assists students and alumni with career planning, resume reviews, mock interviews, job searches, and more. They help students convert their education into impactful careers.

  • ACE Library – Students have access to the online ACE Library which provides access to scholarly journals, ebooks, and research databases. This allows students to find the materials they need for assignments, research projects, and more, fully online.

  • Technical Support – ACE’s student support team is available to help with any technical questions or issues students encounter while completing their online coursework. This ensures students can get technology help when needed.

  • Student Community – Through online discussion forums and messaging platforms, students can connect with peers for community, networking, and support during their program. This fosters an engaging online student experience.

By providing robust student resources and support services, The American College of Education ensures students in their online programs have what they need to succeed every step of the way. The college is committed to helping each student thrive in the online learning environment.

Alumni Outcomes

The American College of Education (ACE) takes pride in the success of its alumni. Through ACE’s rigorous curriculum and career-focused programs, graduates are prepared to thrive in a variety of industries.

ACE regularly surveys its alumni to track outcomes. Recent data shows that 95% of ACE graduates are employed or continuing their education within 6 months of completing their degree. Additionally, 85% of alumni felt that their ACE degree improved their earning potential.

ACE alumni work in diverse fields including education, healthcare, business, technology, and public service. Many graduates have advanced their careers by earning promotions, transitioning into leadership roles, or starting their own companies.

For example, Julia S. completed an MBA at ACE in 2020. Within a year, she had leveraged her new skills to launch a successful tech startup that employed over 50 people.

Other alumni like Andre L. have used their ACE degrees to transition into new, higher-paying careers. Andre worked in retail while completing his bachelor’s degree online at ACE. After graduating, he obtained a job as a data analyst making $20,000 more per year. 

Overall, ACE graduates report high levels of career satisfaction, increased earnings, and excellent return on investment from their degrees. The college’s history of positive alumni outcomes demonstrates the power of an ACE education to open doors and create opportunity.


The American College of Education (ACE) has fostered innovative partnerships with school districts, education organizations, employers, and other entities. These mutually beneficial partnerships allow ACE to extend its impact and further its mission of preparing educators and leaders to transform lives and make a difference.  

ACE partners with over 800 school districts across the country to offer reduced tuition rates for teachers and administrators seeking advanced degrees. This makes high-quality education more affordable and accessible. Partnership school districts also have the opportunity to collaborate with ACE on ongoing research initiatives focused on improving student outcomes.

Organizational partnerships provide ACE students with diverse internship and mentoring opportunities. Partners include educational nonprofits, charter school networks, and national advocacy groups. These experiences allow students to apply their learning in real-world settings.  

To enhance career outcomes for graduates, ACE partners with employers and groups like the National Education Association and state education associations. These partnerships open doors for ACE alumni while also allowing employers to recruit highly qualified candidates.

ACE’s wide-ranging partnerships expand its impact beyond the walls of academia. They allow ACE to support in-service and pre-service educators in meaningful ways while also furthering knowledge and innovation in education.

Awards and Recognition 

The American College of Education has been recognized for its innovative programs and commitment to student outcomes. Some of the major awards and recognition ACE has received include:

  • Named one of the Most Innovative Schools by U.S. News & World Report (2021)
  • Ranked #2 in the Nation for Online Bachelor’s Degrees by U.S. News & World Report (2020) 
  • Selected as a Top Online College for Teaching Degrees by SuperScholar (2019)
  • Received the Excellence in Education Award from eLearn Magazine (2018)
  • Ranked #1 Online College for Return on Investment by PayScale (2017) 
  • Recognized for Excellence in Student Support by Online Learning Consortium (2016)
  • Awarded Innovation Award by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (2015)

ACE’s continued recognition highlights its dedication to providing a high-quality, innovative education that prepares students for success after graduation. The college’s online degree programs aim to make education accessible for working professionals while upholding academic excellence through cutting-edge curriculum and student support services.

Looking Ahead 

The American College of Education continues to innovate and expand its online degree programs to meet the needs of aspiring education professionals. With over 20 online master’s and doctoral degree options, ACE is committed to remaining a leader in distance learning for teachers.

ACE plans to expand its online graduate program offerings in the coming years, developing new degrees in high-demand fields like educational technology, curriculum design, and special education. By partnering with school districts and education nonprofits across the country, ACE identifies emerging areas of need and develops targeted degree programs to fill knowledge gaps.  

The college also aims to increase enrollment in existing programs by improving student support services and leveraging new technologies. ACE recently implemented an AI-powered virtual assistant to provide 24/7 help to students, along with immersive virtual reality lessons to enhance remote learning. These kinds of tech innovations will allow ACE to scale its programs while maintaining exceptional student outcomes.


The American College of Education has established itself as a leader in online learning over the past decade. Through its innovative teaching methods, dedicated faculty, and focus on student success, ACE has helped thousands of students achieve their goals of earning an accredited online degree.

Some key points that demonstrate ACE’s leadership in online education include:

  • Offering over 20 online degree and certificate programs in high-demand fields like education, leadership, and healthcare.
  • Developing interactive online courses that engage students, like utilizing immersive simulations and integrating multimedia.
  • Recruiting and training faculty with extensive real-world experience and expertise in online instruction. 
  • Providing resources and support services tailored to online learners like tutoring, tech support, and career guidance.
  • Achieving high student satisfaction rates and graduation outcomes that meet or exceed national averages.

For students seeking the flexibility and convenience of an online program, ACE is an excellent option. Their student-focused approach, innovative teaching methods, and commitment to affordability make them a great choice for earning an accredited degree online. With ACE’s continued focus on improving and evolving its programs, they are sure to maintain its leadership status in online higher education for years to come.

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