did you know 96 of people quit online courses yes according to the university of pennsylvania
only four percent four percent of people who start online courses actually complete them
that number is crazy high and the next question is well why is this why do so many of us start
online courses only to not finish them today i’m going to be sharing with you
why it is how you can be that four percent who actually complete the courses
and why the system is kind of broken before we get into it though make sure to hit that
subscribe button for more tech coding career videos and okay let’s just jump right into it
one of the biggest things that people really underestimate when they are purchasing courses
is time a lot of times we purchase these courses and we think oh you know i’ll do an hour a day
for the next x amount of days but there are two problems and one the course really sets you up
for failure to begin with a lot of courses are between 30 to 50 hours in length and
let’s be real if you have a full-time job or are in school studying to have time every day to
actually complete those courses is very rare so i think one of the biggest things that when you are
purchasing a course or thinking of committing to a course is you really need to understand
the amount of time involved in that course do you have that amount of time and even if you do have
that time are you going to stick to it one thing that really helps me when i’m taking a course
especially a technical course because kind of can be dry a lot of the times is breaking it down
breaking down the course by section so a lot of times they have this section will take 39
minutes this will take an hour and so on and it really helps if i do it by in my google calendar
i will put on every day okay i’m going to do two sections today for a total of an hour and a half
and not just commit to doing it but actually commit to when i am going to do it because
that’s two different things you can say yeah i’ll spend an hour tomorrow doing it but
when are you doing it are you doing that at your lunch are you doing it after work are
you doing it before work these things really matter in order to hold yourself accountable
okay another thing i think that is huge in setting people up for failure right
out of the gate is we are easily distracted and when we go online to purchase a course
you know what i’m talking about there are so many to choose from we end up buying
multiple at once or buying a package but in turn because there is so much out there to
learn so much exciting things you want to learn everything at once you end up learning nothing
and i think one of the biggest takeaways from this isn’t to not purchase multiple courses or
not have multiple interests but before what i make myself do which is really hard actually is before
you purchase a second course before you purchase anything else finish the first course and i think
especially in tech i mean really any industry but especially in the tech industry it’s so easy to be
like you feel like you’re falling behind you want to learn more and you want to learn it quicker so
you end up thinking i’ll take many courses at once or i’ll take i’ll buy multiple courses
courses only to get distracted by the next latest and greatest thing in tech and the reality is
that’s really setting yourself up for failure you really need to focus at one thing at one time
we’re not that as humans we’re not very good at multitasking if we’re going to be completely
honest with ourselves so don’t try and be this hero by learning multiple things at once but
rather focus on completing one course before you move on to the next one another reason i think
this is probably one of the biggest things for me as far as why many people fail and including
why i fail so often not often i would say but i still sometimes fail at completing courses is
if i’m purchasing a course and it doesn’t have any support whether it be community support uh someone
to answer my question someone to keep me engaged virtually there’s no hope and i think courses that
you if you purchase a course and you can see that there is no support on any level like
there’s no discord channel there’s no uh q a portion of it don’t even purchase the course
it’s not worth your time because you’re going to get stuck at some point during this course and
if you have no one to ask for help or support then how are you going to complete the course
you’re going to get stuck and stay that way and in turn just not finish it in the end
so so that’s a huge thing for me if i’m purchasing a course i need to know that
there’s going to be some form of support even if it’s just like i said even discord channel where
you can ask your questions in a group setting it really can make or break the course
okay we are back home now and i was actually just i had my computer here i was just reading
an article a research paper actually on this entire topic about why people fail on completing
online courses and i’ll link it down below but there’s something they say in here which
i think is really interesting and important to note and they’re talking about in here they’re
talking about motivational factors motivational aspects can cause high attrition rates in online
classes because online courses are heavily self-directed and self-learned motivation
or lack thereof can be a deciding factor in how focused people are going to be and i completely
agree with this i think this is something that if you have no motivation or if you’re starting out
motivated but you have nothing to continue that motivation or keep you motivated moving forward
you’re gonna fall off in the course okay let’s go outside for a bit so back to the question
where are you going to find this motivation you know if motivation is such a big factor and
you’re learning on your own maybe you don’t have a roommate or maybe you don’t have
anyone you feel comfortable sharing what you’re doing with where are you going to find this
motivation this is something i really struggled with when i was taking online courses is yes i
would tell my friends and family i was learning especially when i was learning how to code i was
taking this tutorial i was learning this course but they really they were supportive but they
really just didn’t get it and that’s expected if they’re not in technology so then your question
probably is well tiff where did you end up getting motivation from to stick with online courses and
for me it was through strangers it was through connecting with people online especially through
discord channels or when i was learning code way back in the day insert kane here um it was not
discord it was slack channels actually going in different groups it was a lot of girls who code
or different react developers different kind of channels and slack now i would do discord uh that
really everyone around you is learning as well and that was such a great way to stay motivated
being surrounded by people even online that are learning as well so i really highly encourage you
if you are going to be taking an online course to find external motivating factors to find people
who are taking the course as well taking any course but on the subject you are learning as well
because that can really go a long way and it makes it become more of this exciting fun thing that
you are learning together you are held accountable which is something that is often missing in online
courses because yes the benefit is you are doing them at your own time your own pace but it’s also
the the enemy because you’re learning at your own time and your own pace and it’s a lot more fun
to watch tv or go hang out with friends than it is to stay focused and keep on learning
the last thing i really want to talk to you about which kind of ties into motivation is you need to
have a really honest conversation with yourself as to why you’re taking this course is it because
it’s the latest greatest technology you’ve heard about or is it because you want to get a job or
learn a new skill having an understanding as to why you’re taking the course like a
true understanding rather than just buying a course to buy a course will really help you
know what the next step will be will keep you motivated because you know okay i bought this
course for the reason of getting a promotion or for the reason of simply learning and that will
whatever your reason is will really depict how your learning progression is determined
because if you are just learning for fun for something new i can almost guarantee that you are
going to have a harder time sticking to a course than if it is for a specific purpose so how do you
find that specific purpose well if you are just learning because you want a new job that’s a huge
purpose but you need to break it down so say to yourself once i have done this course i can add
it to my resume i can start networking with people who have taken this course as well i can join some
discord channels with others who are taking this course like you can build out this whole
vision of what it will look like as you take this course and i think that’s really important because
you need to have rewards at the end of this course and especially if the course doesn’t have a
certification associated with it you need to have a reason a purpose for taking the course other
than this cool new sexy thing to learn at the end of the day though i think it’s really important to
highlight that it’s not you it’s the courses the courses oftentimes do not set you up for success
there is often little support aligned with the course sometimes they are some of the courses
i want to take are 52 plus hours in length and it’s ridiculous i’m i know if i purchase it i’m
not going to complete it like it’s 52 hours how do you have that much time they really do not
set you up for success there are some amazing courses out there but the way they are created
the way they are built out are really hard for individuals to be successful with those courses
and that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do those courses i really want to highlight that i do those
courses all the time with the understanding that sometimes i won’t complete them other times maybe
i will but the important thing is to realize sometimes it’s not you it’s just the course
and i thought that’s really important to highlight because i know our community i know the people who
are watching this are really ambitious learners people who want to be very successful who are very
successful and i don’t want you to be so hard on yourself when you are taking a course if you don’t
complete it thinking i can’t stay committed to anything this i’m a failure because i can never
follow through with the course no that’s not the case a lot of times
it’s simply just the course and the way it was designed now these tips i’m sharing with
you can help follow through on completing the course but it doesn’t mean it’s an easy
task so make sure to pat yourself on the back like truly pat yourself on the back
if you are able to finish a course because it’s tough out there i’m curious though what
are some of your favorite courses now now we got talking about courses leave in the comments some
of your favorite courses okay i hope you found this video very helpful and valuable
make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe and i will see you all soon thanks everyone
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