How Physical Education Scooters Can Transform PE

 Physical education scooters are a staple in many elementary and middle school PE classes. They provide a fun and engaging way for students to be active and develop motor skills and coordination.

PE scooters first became popular in schools in the 1990s as an alternative to activities like running laps. They allowed students to be active in a different way that was more enjoyable for many kids. Scooters caught on quickly with PE teachers looking for new and creative ways to get their students moving.

Today, PE scooters remain a classroom favorite. From scooter obstacle courses to team scooter games, they enable students to build balance and agility. Scooters can be used across all grade levels in a variety of activities tailored to different skill levels. Their popularity endures because they make exercise fun rather than a chore. For many kids, PE scooter days are the highlight of their week.


Scooters provide many benefits for physical education classes and students. They are a fun way for students to work on balance, coordination, and gross motor skills.

Scootering improves balance and coordination as students have to control their body on the scooter and steer around obstacles. It takes core strength and balance to maneuver the scooter without falling off. Students will gain better control over their bodies as they practice scootering.

Scooters are also great for developing gross motor skills. Students use their large muscle groups in their arms and legs to propel and steer the scooter. Pushing off the ground engages leg muscles while using the arms to steer works on arm strength and coordination. Developing these gross motor skills translates into better overall body control.

Finally, scooters make physical activity fun! Students often get excited about using scooters during PE class because it feels more like play than exercise. The scooters allow students to move around the gym or playground quickly while remaining active. This makes being physically active enjoyable rather than a chore. Scootering gives students a fun way to get their recommended daily physical activity.


Proper use of scooters in a physical education setting requires some safety considerations. Here are some tips for safe scooter use:

Proper Use Instructions

  • Always wear a helmet when riding a scooter. Helmets should be properly fitted and fastened.

  • Keep your eyes forward when riding. Be aware of your surroundings and watch where you are going.

  • Use controlled movements. Avoid sharp turns or sudden stops which can cause loss of control or falls.

  • Keep a firm grip on the handlebars at all times. Place feet securely on the deck.

  • Maintain proper spacing between riders. Leave adequate room to maneuver. Don’t follow other riders too closely.

  • Use hand signals when turning. Signal stops by putting your hand out behind you.

  • Stay in your designated lane if riding on a set course. No pushing, shoving or horseplay.

  • Get off the scooter completely before stopping. Don’t try to put your foot down to stop.

Potential Risks and Mitigation

Scooters do pose some risks if not used properly. Risks include loss of control, collisions, and falls. To mitigate risks:

  • Set up a safe riding course with clear lanes and boundaries. Avoid obstacles.

  • Ensure proper supervision and enforce rules. Stop dangerous behaviors immediately.

  • Teach and practice safety skills like signaling, speed control, scanning ahead.

  • Group students by ability levels. Keep inexperienced riders separated.

  • Check scooters regularly for wear and damage. Repair or remove any unsafe equipment.

Helmet Recommendations

  • Select a helmet designed for the activity, like a skateboard or bicycle helmet.

  • Ensure helmets fit properly and are fastened securely. They should not shift or rock.

  • Replace any helmet that has sustained an impact, even if no damage is visible.

  • Model helmet use by having instructors wear one too. Enforce consistent helmet rules for all riders.

  • Educate students on importance of helmets in preventing head injuries. Let them decorate helmets to promote use.

Classroom Activities

Scooters can be incorporated into many fun and engaging classroom activities for students. Here are some popular options:

Scooter Races

Set up a simple track or obstacle course and have students race in pairs or small teams. You can have them race in relay format, switching riders each lap. Make sure to set ground rules for safe riding during races. Have students decorate or customize their scooters to get them excited about racing their own scooter.

Obstacle Courses

Design an obstacle course that requires maneuvering scooters around cones, under limbo sticks, over small ramps or speed bumps, and through other challenges. Time students as they complete the course or have them race against classmates. Encourage them to improve their times with practice. Update the course regularly to keep it interesting.

Tag Games

Play traditional tag games like Freeze Tag or TV Tag with students on scooters instead of running. Or create scooter-specific versions, like Scooter Tag where riders must tag others’ scooters instead of their body. Emphasize safe speeds and awareness of surroundings during these games. Use hula hoops as safe zones or bases.

Scooters allow students to get active and work on balance, coordination, and motor skills while having fun with classmates. Keeping activities varied and offering opportunities for friendly competition keeps students engaged. Always prioritize safety by monitoring speed and behavior.

Setting Up a Course

When setting up a scooter course in a gym, there are a few key tips to keep in mind.


  • Map out the course beforehand on paper to get a sense of spacing and flow. Make sure to leave adequate room between obstacles.

  • Set up stations or laps rather than just a linear course. This allows more students to participate at once without collisions. Stations can focus on different skills.

  • Make clear start and end points for the course. You may want to use cones or tape to mark these.

  • Incorporate variety by including straightaways as well as curves and zigzags. Slalom sections add fun challenges.

  • Try to utilize the whole gym space rather than just a small section. Longer courses hold interest.


  • Cones, poly spots, hoops, and foam balls make great obstacles. Vary heights and spacing.

  • Mats can be used under high obstacles for safety. Place mats around potential crash zones too.

  • Use existing gym lines and basketball hoops as guides or obstacles. Tape can also mark “roads” on the floor.

  • Ramps can be created with wooden planks and mats for inclines. Caution is needed.

  • Have extra scooters on hand in case of breakdowns. Check equipment before use.

  • Keep first aid supplies accessible in the event of spills. Helmets are optional safety gear.

With some creativity and strategic setup, scooters can be used for engaging activities that build coordination and skills. Update courses periodically to keep students challenged and interested. Take safety precautions, but allow for thrills too!


Physical education scooters can be adapted to accommodate children with disabilities or limitations. This allows all students to participate and benefit from scooter activities. Some common adaptations include:

For Children with Mobility Limitations

  • Seated scooters allow children who have trouble standing or walking to propel themselves with their arms and upper body strength. These have a seat and handlebars similar to a wheelchair.

  • Lower scooters closer to the ground can be useful for those who have difficulty balancing in a standing position. The lower center of gravity provides more stability.

  • Three-wheeled scooters offer more balance support on each side. These are ideal for beginners or those working on balance skills.

  • Non-slip grips on handlebars help for those with limited grip strength or dexterity. Large, textured grips are easier to hold onto.

  • Custom handholds or straps can help secure a child with poor grip strength or motor control to the scooter. Consult occupational therapists for personalized adaptations.

Children with Visual Impairments

  • Mark off boundaries with textured tape or floor spots. Provide auditory cues to signal direction changes.

  • Use bright colors and high-contrast patterns on scooters and cones. Add bells or beepers for audible location cues.

  • Pair visually impaired students with a peer buddy who can help guide them around the course.

Children with Hearing Impairments

  • Use visual cue cards to demonstrate course instructions and model activities.

  • Equip instructors with wireless microphones to aid lip reading. Face students when speaking.

  • Incorporate vibrating wristbands paired with a remote control to get a student’s attention or provide navigation prompts.

With some simple adaptations, scooter courses can be made accessible and engaging for all students regardless of ability. The key is providing options to allow everyone to participate actively.

Buying Guide

When buying scooters for physical education class, there are a few key features to consider:

Key Features

  • Adjustable handlebar height: Look for scooters where the handlebar height can be adjusted. This allows the scooter to grow with students and accommodate different heights.

  • Sturdy construction: Scooters will take a lot of use and abuse from students, so look for models made from steel or tough plastics that can withstand daily wear and tear.

  • Big wheels: Larger wheels (at least 120mm) allow students to easily roll over cracks in pavement and handle rougher outdoor terrain.

  • Foldable: Foldable scooters are great for storage when not in use. Make sure the folding mechanism is secure.

  • Brakes: A rear brake is essential for safety. Look for scooters with a sturdy brake that’s easy for kids to use.

Recommended Brands and Models

Some top-rated brands for school scooters include:

  • Razor – A128, A5, A3
  • Micro – Kickboard, Maxi Deluxe
  • Globber – Primo, One Push
  • Oxelo – Oxelo Scooter

These brands offer scooters with adjustable handlebars, folding mechanisms, and rear brakes. Specific models to look at are the Razor A5 and A3, which have large wheels and a simple folding design. The Micro Kickboard is also very popular for PE classes.


Expect to spend $30-60 per scooter for a basic PE model. Higher end scooters with extra features can cost up to $100. Consider purchasing scooter packs – many brands offer classroom packs of 6 or 12 scooters at a discounted price. This can help stay within your PE equipment budget.


Keeping scooters in good working order through regular maintenance helps maximize their lifespan and ensure student safety. Here are some tips for cleaning, storing, and repairing classroom scooters:


  • Wipe down scooter handles and decks daily with disinfectant wipes to prevent the spread of germs. Pay close attention to the grips and areas frequently touched.
  • Periodically use a damp cloth to wipe away dirt and debris on the wheels and underside of the deck. Avoid using harsh cleaners.
  • Check wheel bearings monthly and use compressed air to blow out any dust or dirt. Re-lubricate bearings as needed.
  • Sanitize helmet pads regularly according to manufacturer instructions. Replace pads if excessively worn or damaged.


  • Store scooters upright on their rear wheels in an organized rack. Avoid stacking or laying scooters flat, which can damage wheels.
  • Keep scooters in a secure, indoor location protected from the elements when not in use. Temperature extremes can damage components.
  • Separate damaged or broken scooters for repair. Tag them clearly so they are not accidentally returned to circulation.


  • Routinely inspect all components for wear and damage. Address issues promptly to maintain safety.
  • Replace worn out wheels, grips, or bearings as needed. Use manufacturer recommended replacement parts.
  • Tighten any loose screws or fasteners. Do not overtighten.
  • For major repairs like bent frames or cracked decks, consider hiring a service professional or replacing the scooter entirely.

Proper maintenance keeps classroom scooters rolling safely for years. Developing good habits around cleaning, storage, and repair helps maximize the investment.

Incorporating Technology

Physical education scooters provide an excellent opportunity to incorporate technology into lessons and activities. There are a few key ways that technology can enhance scooter-based activities:

Activity Tracking Apps and Wearables

There are many apps and wearable devices available today that can track student activity and progress. Students can wear fitness trackers during scooter activities to record steps, distance, calories burned and more. The data can then be analyzed individually or as a class to set goals and motivate students. Popular options include Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple Watch.

Teachers can also use activity tracking apps on tablets and phones to monitor and log student progress over time. Apps like Strava, MapMyRun, and Charity Miles allow users to track routes, speed, and other metrics. The gamification and data analysis aspects often help engage students.

Video Modeling

Prior to trying a new scooter skill or activity, teachers can show video examples to demonstrate proper form and technique. Slow motion video and voiceover instructions are very helpful for breaking down complex movements.

Students can also use tablets or phones to film themselves attempting skills, and compare to the ideal videos to self-assess and improve. Video modeling with peer feedback supports self-efficacy and growth mindset.

Virtual Reality

Some schools are beginning to use virtual reality (VR) tools in physical education. VR scooter simulations can allow students to practice balance and control in a safe, simulated environment. VR also provides exposure to new environments and courses that may not be possible in the real world. This brings a sense of excitement and immersion to the learning experience.

When thoughtfully incorporated, technology tools can amplify the benefits of using scooters in education by improving engagement, motivation, assessment, and accessibility. However, they should be used to supplement, not replace, actual physical activity.


Physical education scooters provide an exciting way for students to be active and engaged during PE classes. Throughout this article, we’ve covered the many benefits of using scooters, from promoting physical fitness and motor skill development to boosting engagement and providing a fun alternative to traditional PE activities.

When used properly and safely, with reasonable precautions, scooters can be incorporated into various games, races, and obstacle courses to liven up PE curriculum. Teachers can set up engaging courses that enable students to practice balance, coordination, and teamwork. Scooters are adaptable for children of different ages and abilities.

Looking ahead, technology will likely play an increasing role in PE scooter activities. Some companies already offer scooters with built-in speedometers, odometers, and lights. Apps and wearable devices can track performance. Augmented and virtual reality may be integrated into scooter games and courses. However, the core appeal of scooters will remain – they provide an enjoyable way for kids to be physically active. With some creativity, scooters will continue offering a unique and stimulating option for PE classes.

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